Junior Auxiliary Provisional Class Members Bring Holiday Joy to Point Look Out Residents

It was a very merry day on December 12 at Point Look Out Residential Home when members of Junior Auxiliary of Taney County (JATC) Provisional class treated residents to an early holiday event.  The event included a social where residents received manicures and holiday treats.  In addition, JA members decorated 70 residents’ doors for the holidays, visited with the residents and provided holiday cookies to 24 Alzheimer patients who could not attend the social.

The “Winter Surprise” event was a first for this JATC Provisional class and it was a hit with the residents and staff as well as the JA members.  The ten women who joined the Provisional class of JATC in September participate in service and finance projects, attend Chapter Meetings and complete training during 2016-2017 to learn about the organization.  In the spring of 2017, they will determine if they wish to make a commitment to become Active Members with the organization to continue to serve the community.

Through a variety of activities approximately 50 members annually contribute more than 4,000 volunteer hours as they strive to improve the mental, physical, social and emotional well-being of children and families in Taney County. More information about the organization and its projects is available at JATCMO.org.

Currently, JATC members finance and operate projects including Santa’s Gift House; College Scholarships for a seniors at all four Taney County public high schools; Prom Dresses for girls in need; Tender Critters distributed to children in local hospitals; Heart of the Arts supporting arts activities for clients of the Developmental Center; Learners Today-Leaders Tomorrow (LT2) to enhance science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) studies at Bradleyville Elementary School; financial and labor support for the Women’s Crisis Center; School Supplies “refreshment” in January for elementary schools; andHomework Helpers for children who live in extended-stay motels.

Members raise money for these projects through one major event - a fun Trivia Challenge with dinner, live entertainment and a Silent Auction.  This year the 17th Annual Trivia Challenge and Silent Auction will be held at the Radisson Hotel in Branson on March 25, 2017.   Also, JATC raises money from other events such as Belk’s Charity Days, Schwan’s Cares and the Branson Women’s Expo as well as donations from corporate charitable giving (e.g., Amazon Smile, Usborne Books), generous local businesses (e.g., Doug Baker State Farm Insurance, Ozark Mountain Ear Nose & Throat, Mr. G’s Pizza, 417 Fundraising), grants and individual donations.

JATC is more than a nonprofit organization, it’s a group of women united by a single cause and dedicated to helping the children of Taney County.  That’s the magic of JATC.  It was chartered by a group of caring, enthusiastic women in 1998 and continues to grow and thrive throughout Taney County. JATC is part of the National Association of Junior Auxiliaries (NAJA), a non-profit organization founded in 1941 with headquarters in Greenville, Mississippi.  NAJA has more than 15,500 active, associate and life members in 98 chapters located in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, and Tennessee.  Their slogan is “Care Today-Character Tomorrow”.

Published: Hometowndailynews.com, Sunday, January 15, 2017