Eleven JATC Members Go to School
November 6, 2019 was a cold day but eleven JATC members were warm in the Taneyville Elementary gym that day. Children in Grades Pre-K through 5th grade learned all about Healthy Eating in a presentation by JA member Madeline Allin called “The Colors of the Rainbow” and then they participated in a ten-station obstacle course manned by the JA ladies. The course included: Butterfly wands, Superman, Crab walk, jump rope, Stepping Stones, Hopscotch, Hula Hoops, Jogging in Place, and more.
Over 90 children listened to “The Colors of the Rainbow” Healthy Eating Presentation, and completed the Obstacle Course. After completing the obstacle course, they all received a reward including Frisbees courtesy of O’Reilly’s. Of course, the day wouldn’t have been complete without a healthy snack such as Gold Fish crackers, bananas, apples, Cuties, water bottles courtesy of Morrissey Law Firm, and more provided by the JA ladies.
Even the child who told us he had a broken toe was able to complete everything in the obstacle course except the jogging in place. It was a fun and healthy day for children and JA members alike.
This is just one of the many JATC projects provided for the children of Taney County. Other JATC projects include: Book Swap where JA members exchange books once a month at six different extended stay motels to give children a chance to improve their reading skills; Tender Critters for children in trauma; Santa’s Gift House; College Scholarships for a senior at all four Taney County public high schools (Scholarship applications are now available on our website at jatcmo.org) ; Scholar Care (Scholar Care applications are now available on our website at jatcmo.org) provides financial and monthly support for a college student each year; Prom Dresses for girls in need; financial and labor support for the Crisis Center of Taney County including birthday parties and kid therapy so that moms may attend counseling sessions; and School Supplies “refreshment” in January for elementary schools in Eastern Taney County.
Our next major project coming up soon is: Santa’s Gift House to be held at the Family Life Center of the Branson United Methodist Church on December 14, 2019 from 9 am to noon. Children in grades Pre-K through 4th grade may purchase four handmade items at a nominal price of 50 cents each for their loved ones. There will also be snacks provided by the JA elves and a craft table where children can make something to take home for themselves. And Santa will be making a stop! Be sure to stop and see us that day.
JATC is more than a nonprofit organization, it’s a group of women united by a single cause and dedicated to helping the children of Taney County. That’s the magic of JATC. It was chartered by a group of caring, enthusiastic women in 1998 and continues to grow and thrive throughout Taney County. Approximately 50 members annually contribute more than 4,000 volunteer hours as they strive to improve the mental, physical, social and emotional well-being of children in Taney County.
Members raise money for these projects through one major event - a fun Trivia Challenge with dinner, live entertainment, a raffle and a Silent Auction held in the spring each year. Our 20th Annual Trivia Challenge and Silent Auction will be held at the Chateau on the Lake on April 4, 2020.
JATC also raises money from other events such as Belk’s Charity Days, AmazonSmile, Mr. G’s Annual JATC Days, grants and individual donations. Generous local businesses and individuals also donate to JATC’s various events including Doug Baker State Farm Insurance, Ozark Mountain Ear Nose & Throat, Binswanger Glass, State Park Marina, Central Bank of Branson, Edward Jones-Mitch Holmes, First Community Bank of Branson, Branson Bank, Lowe’s, Sir Speedy Printing, Edward Jones-Mitch Holmes, Ollis/Akers/& Arney, The Farmhouse Restaurant, Edward Jones-Mac McGregor, and many more.
JATC is part of the National Association of Junior Auxiliaries (NAJA), a non-profit organization founded in 1941 with headquarters in Greenville, Mississippi. NAJA has more than 15,500 active, associate and life members in 96 chapters located in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Kentucky Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, and Tennessee. Their slogan is “Care Today-Character Tomorrow”.
Published by: Branson Tri-Lakes News, November