2020 Thoughts


Corona became a deadly worldwide pandemic.

People wore masks to cover their frowns.

Airplanes were grounded.

Travel was banned.

Borders were closed.

The economy halted.

A vaccine has been found and now we all wait.

Lots of JATC events were canceled.

But, It’s the holiday season, and we persevered.

We decorated the trees and spread out the gifts which members had made throughout the year.

285 children came shopping.

Each child received a special gift for themselves.

Parents and Grandparents thanked us.

It was more than worthwhile to see all the children smile.

The magic of JATC is still shining.

Now, I’m at home playing Christmas carols.

My tree is decorated and presents wrapped.

Christmas may be delayed because COVID has hit my family.

But I know I can cope and that things will get better.

This was adapted from a poem by Shawna Hickling, Calgary, Canada.  Hers was a real poem, and obviously I’m not a poet.  Keep your chin up friends!     

                                                            MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL!