Junior Auxiliary of Taney County continues Holiday Tradition for Local Children
Junior Auxiliary of Taney County continues Holiday Tradition for Local Children
Santa’s Gift House was held recently in Branson and Bradleyville. Sponsored by the Junior Auxiliary of Taney County, this annual event is a favorite holiday tradition for area children.
Co-chaired this year by Junior Auxiliary members Sheryl Schiller and Marcia VanderLaan, Santa’s Gift House is an opportunity for children to shop for Christmas gifts for family members. The event was held December 11 at Branson United Methodist Church and continued on December 14 at Bradleyville Elementary School. Throughout the year, members of the Junior Auxiliary and their friends make gifts for the children’s event.
“Lots of members helped make gifts this year, and we had approximately 2,400 gifts that we made plus another 300 that were donated,” explained Schiller. “Several members made cookies and cupcakes for the snack table, and parents and kids enjoyed hot chocolate and treats. It was a year-long project that provided a lot of fun for kids.” This year, the two events hosted a total of 255 children who were each allowed to pick out four gifts.
“Special thanks to Branson United Methodist Church for allowing us to use their Family Life Center, Tanger Outlets for supplying us with shopping bags and Santa Pop-It hats for each child, White River Electric Company for a grant to help with this project, Liber Utilities for their donation, Sir Speedy for giving us a discount on printing the flyers and Liberty Exposition Services for a discounted price on the pipe and drape used to separate the shopping area from the rest of the room.” noted Schiller. The Junior Auxiliary is also grateful for the Bradleyville High School students who helped set up the Bradleyville event.
Schiller added, “Approximately 30 JATC members helped with this project in some way. This included making gifts at workshops or at home, helping set up the area, working at the events, making refreshments for the kids and parents, or donating funds.
Published by: Branson Globe, December 24, 2021