Junior Auxiliary of Taney County Replenishes School Supplies Early this Year

Every year the Junior Auxiliary delivers school supplies in January, but because of the pandemic this year we thought teachers could use an extra boost at the beginning of the school year. This month school supplies were delivered to Bradleyville K-6, Kirbyville K-3, Mark Twain K-8, and Taneyville K-6 by JATC members Caren Brandenburg and Sharmon Hagler.

Through the generosity of our members, each teacher also received a sack that contained a roll of paper towels, Lysol spray, hand sanitizer, Kleenex, and Wipes this year.

Junior Auxiliary will still be making their usual delivery again in January to our local schools. The idea behind this is that by this time of the year school supplies are running out, especially in our smaller schools. It is JATC’s way to say thank you to our local teachers and let them know we appreciate them.

In January the highlight for teachers are Gift Cards that they can use to supplement their classroom supplies.

School Supplies is one of many service projects that JATC members provide for the community. Other JATC projects include Tender Critters for children in trauma; Prom Dresses for girls in need; financial and labor support for the Crisis Center including birthday parties and child care for the children so moms can attend counseling sessions; Santa’s Gift House; Book Swap for children who live in extended-stay motels; and Scholarships for each of the four high schools in Taney County. If you would like to learn more about our organization, please visit us at jatcmo.org.

Members normally raise money for this and other projects through one major event - a fun Trivia Challenge with dinner, and a Silent Auction.  However, due to the COVID pandemic this year, our major fundraiser had to be postponed until 2021.

JATC raises money from other events such as Belk’s Charity Days and Mr. G’s Pizza Annual JATC Days, as well as donations from corporate charitable giving (e.g., Amazon Smile, Microsoft, Walmart, Target, and White River Electric).

Donations for this project and others that JATC provide to the community can be sent to JATC, PO Box 862, Hollister, MO 65673.  More information can be found on the Junior Auxiliary website JATCMO.ORG, their Facebook page, Junior Auxiliary of Taney County or via email at jatcmo@gmail.com

JATC is more than a nonprofit organization, it’s a group of women united by a single cause.  We are dedicated to helping and making a difference in the lives of the children of Taney County. That’s the magic of JATC.  It was chartered by a group of caring, enthusiastic women in 1998 and continues to grow and thrive throughout Taney County.  Approximately 50 members annually contribute more than 4,000 volunteer hours as they strive to improve the mental, physical, social and emotional well-being of children in Taney County. 

JATC is part of the National Association of Junior Auxiliaries (NAJA), a non-profit organization founded in 1941 with headquarters in Greenville, Mississippi.  NAJA has more than 15,500 active, associate and life members in 98 chapters located in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, and Tennessee.  Their slogan is "Caring Hearts, Helping Hands, Changing Lives!"

Published by: Branson Tri-Lakes News, Saturday, October 3, 2020